For Today.... October 21

For Today... October 21, 2019

Looking out my window... the reds, oranges, purples and greens of autumn are rustling in the wind and the sky is an ominous blue-gray, heavy with un-shed rain.

I am thinking... of how beautiful the world and life can be when viewed through a thankful heart.

I am thankful... for the joys that come with friendships that are loving and uncomplicated.

One of my favorite things... the brilliant red leaves of our maple tree that glow when the sun is low in the sky.

I am creating... lesson plans for our upcoming weeks of school.

I am wearing... an eclectic mix of sweats.  My sweatshirt is gray and my sweatpants are an eggplant color with a white racing stripe that scream active when I am anything but.

I am listening to the podcast... titled Join us in France Travel Podcast.  Annie Sargent is a wonderful host and the podcast contains a wealth of information.

I am hoping... 1. to write a To-Do list for the week, and 2. check off every item on that list. (In the interest of achieving that goal, I'm writing a short list.) :)

I am learning... about the 2nd (actually 3rd, which I didn't know until now) letter that Paul wrote to the Corinthian church through a study by Kelly Minter.

In my kitchen... Floating Tacos for dinner tonight and hopefully a menu plan for the rest of the week. (It's on the to-do list)

In the school room... the days are passing so quickly.  We are in our second quarter already.  I really cannot believe I have a 3rd grader, 7th grader and junior in high school.  I will blink and they will all be gone.  (sigh)

In my garden... I have a large mix of weeds.  They are thriving.  My goal before the snow begins is to tear out the dilapidated raised beds and downsize the garden to something a bit easier to maintain.

Shared Quote... "... every piece of our identity - the broken, the sad, the hard, just as much as the fulfilled, the good, the happy - is stitched together to make us complete." ~ Joanna Gaines, letter from the editor of Magnolia Journal issue no. 12.

A moment from my day... 

The maple tree outside my window.  
It's so beautiful right now, I had to share.

To read daybook entries from other simple women, please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week.
