It's snack time, again!

My eight year old is growing. His pants are too short. His baby teeth are falling out and being replaced by adult teeth. He can reach the dishes in the kitchen cabinet without getting a stool. But, the most tell-tale sign that L is growing is the fact that he keeps asking for snacks. It might be 2 hours after a meal or 2 minutes. "Mom, may I have a snack?" I hear this question in my dreams, in my nightmares and way too often in my day to day.

So, my question for you is, What do you give your children to snack on? I need some quick and easy snack time ideas. Things that I can put in the pantry or refrigerator that L can grab when he gets hungry.

Thanks for your suggestions! To participate go to An Island Life and ask your question. Aloha!


  1. We keep little boxes of raisins, jello & pudding cups, we always have grapes, banana's and other cut up fresh fruit (depending on season). My boy is always asking for snacks also and he is 6. Of course he is growing but I don't think the snacks are from his growing need he just doesn't eat enough for dinner and 5 minutes later he wants something that is sweet to eat.

  2. Cut up apples, pudding, banana, fishy chips, cookies, and those little packs of crackers and cheese.

  3. Pretzels, raisins, apple slices, string cheese, and crackers are my usual snack fare. Happy Friday!

  4. String cheese and graham crackers are both good snacks.

  5. We have the above but also have baby carrots which are pretty sweet. Plus I keep some Fiber One bars on hand which are sweet & loaded w/ good things.

  6. my kids love graham crackers and I will put a few in ziploc bags for them... I try to keep grapes in baggies too..

  7. I think fruit or baby carrots are always a good option. My girls are only 2 so we're still at the "cheerios are good enough for now" stage.

  8. Aside from fruits and veggies, we have fruit leather, Fiber One bars, graham crackers, cheese crackers, yogurt, and cheese sticks.

  9. My daughter is grown but I guess I can say that I give my grandson string cheese, cheerios and he likes cut up veggies - broccoli, carrots you name it he'll eat it.

  10. Ya know I just cracked a can of Garbanzo beans for my toddler today and he loved them -- pure protein - it's worth a try -- or maybe hummus on crackers. Or cheese doodles...that's what I'd go for - ugh.

  11. dry cereal, popcorn, cheese, pretzels, apples and peanut butter, grapes, lil mac and cheese cups, Popsicles, animal crackers, string cheese


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