find that word
As a kid, I remember getting out the dictionary and looking up all sorts of miscellaneous words just for the fun of it. So, as mother and teacher I couldn't understand why the kids disliked dictionary work so much. By dictionary work I mean that I would give them a word and they'd have to look it up in the dictionary. At first it was challenging for them and I received a lot of attitude and tears when I told them it was time to play 'find that word'. But, after they began to fully grasp alphabetical order and the progression it takes to find a particular word, I thought the lessons would become a lot more fun. I was wrong. So, I dropped it. Imagine my surprise and delight when the kids asked where the dictionary was this morning. They wanted to look up the word idiot (ok, admittedly not the most delightful word) because a friend told them what the definition was and they wanted to verify the facts. What ensued was a half hour g...