Random Thoughts on Day Seven

Day one breakfast

Well, I've made it to day seven!  Are you amazed?  I am!  If you're confused, I am doing the Whole30 food program.  I have successfully avoided eating any sugars not contained in fruit, diary has taken a backseat to coconut milk and bread stills smells heavenly, but has not entered this body in 7 almost-full days.  Whew!

Half of me is shocked I've made it this far, the other half is cheering me onward.  I happen to have a very handsome cohort in this adventure which makes it 80 percent easier.  My misery is his misery and we get through it together.

A few random thoughts about the first seven days...

Eggs for breakfast, eggs for lunch, eggs for dinner and eggs for brunch.  Seriously!  I have gone through almost six dozen eggs the first week!  I am not kidding.  Hard boiled, fried, made into custard, omelets and more; eggs are it.

Speaking of eggs, my handsome husband hates our non-stick fry pan.  According to him it's a sticky fry pan.  If you don't want to frustrate your number one support and hear complaints before breakfast, purchase an actual non-stick fry pan.  Trust me.  Patrick is jumping for joy that a new pan is on the way and he can't wait to fry an egg or two.  Bonus for me, I won't have to make my own breakfast on Tuesday or Thursday.  Thumbs up!

Coconut milk instead of cream in coffee is not too bad.  However, coconut milk and cinnamon in coffee is better.  I might just make it the whole 30 days.

I am so thankful for my blender.  I have used it to make mayonnaise, garlic aioli, red pepper sauce, ranch dressing and a few fruit smoothie's.  I have used it everyday and sometimes multiple times a day.

If you're Whole30 savvy, you likely raised your eyebrows at my making fruit smoothies.  Yep, they recommend not blending your food.  I weighed the pros and cons of this advice and determined that I'm not looking to complete a perfect Whole30 if it means I have to stop making smoothies.  It's something I'm used to doing for breakfast and wanted to keep a bit of normal in my day.  I have incorporated eggs and other things into my breakfasts so I am making fewer smoothies.

Evenings are hard, but Saturday night was the most difficult to date.  My cravings for all things chips start in the evening/night after the kids are in bed.  I didn't realize how it has become a habit to grab something to snack on after saying the last goodnight. 
Saturday night Patrick and I were planning to watch a movie.  Can you say snack monster attack.  Apparently Saturday night is also the night I look forward to an adult beverage.  It was almost brutal schooling my thoughts into enjoying a glass of Kombucha over a glass of wine (or beer if you are Patrick).  Thankfully, we powered through and survived with our willpower in tact and there is still a cork in the wine bottle.

A support group is key!  Along with Patrick, I have a friend who started this crazy adventure and she invited a bunch of friends to join a Whole30 facebook group.  She is a rockstar managing the group and has posted something everyday to keep us motivated and encouraged.  There has also been a lot of recipe sharing, especially after I complained about my lack of imagination when it came to eggs for breakfast. :)

I am not doing this for weight loss (I'll share some reasons in my next post), but I will guarantee some pounds will be shed.  This is due to the fact that I'm always in the kitchen either cooking or cleaning up.  No joke!  Another realization; I am a very sedentary person.  Or I was a very sedentary person.

I am being forced to eliminate sugar from my diet and I have become an investigative label reader searching for any non-compliant ingredients.  It's kinda embarrassing at times, however, an unexpected plus to this is that the kids are benefiting too.  Homemade mayo and ranch dressing = no added sugar.  They are even choosing these condiments over the store bought with sugar we still have in the fridge.  And, even though they moan over the increase in vegetables and 'weird' stuff, they are aware of and making better food choices.  That makes this mom's heart happy.
