Home School is Supper Cool!

In the midst of preparing for the new school year, my attitude is at times something other than joyful.  Schooling the kids at home is hard work and as I've said time and again, I don't like to work.  :[
I'm in the process of purchasing curriculum, making lists, balancing the schedule, choosing a few electives, creating a meal plan, making sure I've registered everyone for their extra curricular events, dotting the I's and crossing the T's.  I can get quite overwhelmed and when that happens it's only a matter of time until my attitude begins to turn from hopeful to dreadful.  Is this really the best thing for the kids?  Am I making the right decision to keep them home this year?

As I was rolling the tapes and letting the doubts fill my mind, I was perusing the photos on my phone and came across this picture.

This is Megan's dry erase board that sits on her nightstand.  I found this message toward the end of the 2016-2017 school year and it warmed my heart.  It says, "I love home school!  I get smarter from TT math 4.  It's supper cool!  I love hanging out with my mom all day long."

It brings tears to my eyes and reminds me to include spelling and grammar in her lesson plans. :)
For now, we are making the right decision.  And so, I will continue to prepare for the new school year with an attitude of gratitude.  I'm so very thankful I can stay at home and school the kids.  Cheers to a new year.


  1. How sweet! <3 You can do this, even when you feel you can't, because you know that above all, it's God at work. And you'll be amazed at how your kids turn out. =)


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