what difference do it make?
This post has taken over two years to hit the printable page. It is one that is near and dear to my heart and I could never find the right words, introduction or passion to convey my zeal for this subject. Until today. What happened? Well, this question came up for discussion in our small group. 'What is your concern for the poor and those who are treated unjustly?' We discussed who we thought the poor were. We discussed our attitudes, our actions and our inaction. As the discussion was going on around me I was surprised at the rate my heart was pumping and by the emotion that overcame me. I couldn't speak for a time and felt nervous to say anything in case I couldn't articulate my thoughts. You see, I have been poor. Not homeless poor, but very close. My husband lost his job and was unemployed for almost a year and that year was a bad year. During that year we used up all our savings an...