Letting go

As many of you know, I have been having a very difficult time with school this year. So difficult in fact, that I have checked into various private and public school options for next year. The biggest issues we face is the lack of enthusiasm, outright rebellion and overall bad attitude when it's time to get some learning done.

I have tried a variety of things to change the way we school. I've tried changing curriculum, changing atmosphere, adhering to a strict routine, eliminating routine, going outside more (weather permitting), reward systems, etc... you name it, I think I've tried it.

Throughout the whole process I was praying. Asking for wisdom and discernment. Praying for greater creativity. Daily asking the Lord to change the attitude of my students. I felt like God wasn't listening. I was treading water and the waves were crashing over my head with no life vest.

Then I began to hear God whispering to me. He talks to me primarily through books and blogs these days. In a time span of about one week, I read a number of blogs and a few books where the re-occuring theme was to relax and let go.

There was no way. How would they learn? If I wasn't scripting their day, introducing and teaching the subject matter, if I wasn't pushing the reading and handwriting practice, they would fall behind. The wouldn't learn anything, their handwriting wouldn't improve and the ability to read a book would all but disappear.

But God said, trust me! Let go. Relax. So I did. I stopped following any curriculum whatsoever. We took a break. We just hung out. We had fun. No schedule, no "school time" talk.

This is what happened shortly after I relaxed and trusted God.


  1. Good for you for listening to God's still small voice. It isn't always easy to let go of what we think we "ought" to do. Learning to relaz and let go is, ironically, one of the hardes things to do in one's homeschool journey. Thanks for sharing.


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