Bukina and Dorcas House

While we're in Burkina Faso, we will be staying with the women at Dorcas House for a few days and putting together a little retreat for them.  We will have a devotion time as well as snacks, crafts, a small play, music and then a boutique for the women.

The Dorcas House is for at women, ages 15–25.  The girls are selected based on their desire and their need.  Many of these women don't have families or their families are very poor, they may have been completely abandoned by their families or have been in a situation they need out of. They will live at Dorcas House for about two years and receive biblical, literacy, and vocational training. Residents will learn to sew, make soap, knit and crochet as well as learn skills in animal husbandry, gardening, hair-styling, and more.

At our last mission meeting we were given our assignments for the retreat and my assignment is snacks!  I just want to say woot woot!  Of all the assignments, snacks fits me the best.  If you know me in real life you know, I have no patience for crafts (most of the time), I am a no drama mama and my relationship with music is sketchy; I can turn on the radio, play a few notes on the flute and sing (usually out of tune) but that's about it.

I am looking forward to blessing these women during the retreat and I hope to make some lifelong friendships.  Now to put on my chef's hat and see what I can come up with for snacks.

If you would like to learn a little more about Dorcas House, watch this 7 minute video with Amy Nehlsen.


  1. Um, yeah. I don't believe that you sing out of tune. But yay! for snacks.

    Seriously, this is really neat. I hope you have a joyful experience doing this. I know God will pour His grace on you, your teammates, and the women at the Dorcas House.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words Butlers!
      Um yes, the older I get, the more out of tune I seem to be.


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