The Carpet Sweeper
You'll always learn something new if you keep an open mind. That is something my father-in-law inadvertently taught me. When I was newly married, my father-in-law gave me a carpet sweeper. If I'm being completely honest, I wasn't impressed by that carpet sweeper. It wasn't shiny, although it was new. I couldn't wear it or hang it on the wall for art. It didn't have any frills and wasn't even powered by electricity! It was a plain carpet sweeper. It didn't appeal to my newly married self who wanted the fancy vacuum cleaners and state of the art blenders. I thanked him for the carpet sweeper and promptly lost it in the back of a closet. Then one day as I was cleaning out the closet I came across the carpet sweeper still in it's box. I was a bit older, with at least one child to call me mom. The carpet sweeper seemed a bit shinier to me. Hmmm. I could see the functionality in this item now. I could actuall...