FOR TODAY September 10, 2012 Outside my window... a lazy fog hangs in the lowland areas waiting for the warm sun to rise a bit more before it leaves. A beautiful morning is dawning. I am thinking... how good it feels to be entering a new daybook on the blog. Life has been keeping me from one of my favorite hobbies. I am thankful... for nap time, butterscotch morsels and laughter. In the kitchen... sunburst squash, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, broccoli and other delights from the farmers gardens. I am wearing... black workout capri pants, socks on my chilly feet and a turquoise tank top. I am creating... new boards on Pinterest. Such a delightful way to have two hours just fly by. I am going... to write a few notes to friends this morning. I am wondering... how big the carrots are that we have growing in the garden. I am reading... a Grace D isguised by Jerry Sittser. I am hoping... my knees and ankles are finally on the mend so I can resu...